I had so much fun taking pictures with Roberta and her family. Roberta and I have been friends forever and I'm so grateful to have her in my life. My Ella and her Clara are only a few days apart and I'm going to make them be best friends hahaha. I was so excited that they wanted me to take their family photos. Thanks for the great day you guys. Hope you like the pictures!
Hard to believe she's 3 already! The time goes way too quickly. To remind me what "Princess Alivia Sweetpea" looks like at age 3 we did some photos in the kitchen :) I wish I had this kid's hair!
My friend and her kids were over the other day and I couldn't help but take pictures of this little munchkin eating her ice cream. She's so sweet and was thoroughly enjoying her sweet treat. I wish they lived closer - 6 hours is just way too far away!
I'm having a hard time uploading pictures, so I'll start with these. I LOVE this family. I first met them at my sister in law's wedding and they have become wonderful friends. They have the cutest boys ever! Thanks for letting me be a part of your family for a bit :)
This little guy is the absolute sweetest! And he is so teeny tiny - I love it! He reminded me a lot of my little guy. Good things come in small packages :)